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The Monk and the Samurai

“It is said that, one day, a great and strong Samurai, known for his violent nature, went to look for a wise monk, in search of answers to his doubts.

“Monk,” said the Samurai, with a sincere desire to learn, “teach me about heaven and hell.

The monk, of small stature and very slight, looked at the brave warrior and, simulating contempt, said to him:

“I could not teach you anything, you’re filthy.” Its bad smell is unbearable. In addition, the blade of his sword is rusted. You’re a disgrace to your class.

The Samurai was enraged. The blood rushed into his face and he could not say a word, such was his anger.

He drew his sword, lifted it over his head, and prepared to behead the monk.

“Here begins hell,” the wise man told him softly.

The Samurai stood still. The wisdom of that little man had impressed him. After all, he risked his life to teach her about hell.

The brave warrior slowly lowered his sword and thanked the monk for the valuable teaching.

The wise old man remained silent.

After a while, the Samurai, with his pacified intimacy, humbly asked the monk to forgive him the unhappy gesture.

Realizing that his request was sincere, the monk told him:

“There the sky begins.”

Both heaven and hell are states of soul that we ourselves elect in our daily lives.

One thought on “The Monk and the Samurai

  1. Very nice 👏👏👏👏

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