About us

Samurai (侍), in Japanese, “the one who serves”. His greatest function was to serve, with total loyalty and commitment, the Emperor.

Throughout the ages, this relationship was always very common; however, what stood out as the samurai of any other warrior of the past ages was his peculiar way of looking at life, and his code of honor and ethics, unshakable.

Inspired by the samurai warrior, Shotokann was created for the purpose of serving and informing those who contemplate sword art and Oriental Culture, promoting a work of excellence.

The Japanese sword Katana (刀). An instrument that symbolizes Japanese culture, in a time of glories and infamy, stained by blood and marked by the unshakeable tradition, carries the soul of an era.

With a forge located in the mountains of Hong Kong, Shotokann makes handmade swords, forged by an experient Katanakaji (master forger) who uses the same techniques that were used in the making of Feudal Japan swords.

Some blades are improved with the technology available in the current time, like the colored blades, but its excellence remains, once its interior has carbon of extreme purity.

Forged by hand, the swords have their parts fitted precisely firm, avoiding any kind of oscillation of the pieces during the handling. They are specially made for impact training, with balance between cut, blade resistance, weight and practicality.

Learn more about us or order an exclusive item by contacting us, it will be an honor to serve you. With reverence, Shotokann Team.

“ The law of the mind is relentless.
  What you think, you create;
  What you feel, you attract;
  What you believe becomes reality. “