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The 7 Virtues of Bushido – The Samurai Code

The 7 Virtues of Bushido – The Samurai Code


Warriors have only one judge of honor and character, and this is themselves. Decisions they make and how these decisions are made is a reflection of whom they truly are.


Sincere and honest in all relationships, the warrior believes in justice, not from other people, but from himself. For the true warrior, all points of view are deeply considered regarding honesty, justice and integrity.


True warriors have no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their stenght and they are courteous even to their enemies. True warriors are not only admired for their strength in battle, but also by their respect with others.


The true warrior must take risks and live life completely, fully and intensely, replacing fear with respect and caution. Heroic courage is not blind, it is intelligent and strong.


Through intense training and hard work the true warrior becomes quick and strong, standing out from most common people. When developing power, it must be used for good, for the sake of others. The true warrior has compassion.


Lying is dishonorable and cowardly. When the true warrior says he will do something, it is as good as done. There is nothing in heaven or on earth that will stop him to do so. The true warrior does not need to “give his word”, he does not need to “promise”.


The true warrior is responsible for everything he has done, everything he has said and all the consequences that follow. The true warrior is extremely loyal to everyone in his care. For whom he is responsible, he remains loyal.

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Blade Nakago

The Nakago is the region of the blade that is hidden in the tsuka (handle, where the user holds his sword). It is in the Nakago that the Katanakaji, sword smith master, signs his work.

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The Monk and the Samurai

“It is said that, one day, a great and strong Samurai, known for his violent nature, went to look for a wise monk, in search of answers to his doubts.

“Monk,” said the Samurai, with a sincere desire to learn, “teach me about heaven and hell.

The monk, of small stature and very slight, looked at the brave warrior and, simulating contempt, said to him:

“I could not teach you anything, you’re filthy.” Its bad smell is unbearable. In addition, the blade of his sword is rusted. You’re a disgrace to your class.

The Samurai was enraged. The blood rushed into his face and he could not say a word, such was his anger.

He drew his sword, lifted it over his head, and prepared to behead the monk.

“Here begins hell,” the wise man told him softly.

The Samurai stood still. The wisdom of that little man had impressed him. After all, he risked his life to teach her about hell.

The brave warrior slowly lowered his sword and thanked the monk for the valuable teaching.

The wise old man remained silent.

After a while, the Samurai, with his pacified intimacy, humbly asked the monk to forgive him the unhappy gesture.

Realizing that his request was sincere, the monk told him:

“There the sky begins.”

Both heaven and hell are states of soul that we ourselves elect in our daily lives.

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Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai…

Near Tokyo, there lived a great Samurai. Already very old, he was now dedicated to teaching Zen to young people. Despite his age, it was rumored that he was still capable of defeating any opponent.

One afternoon, a young warrior appeared, known for his total lack of scruples. He was famous for using the provocation technique. Using his ability to provoke, he expected his opponent to make the first move and, with intelligence and agility, counterattacked with sudden speed. The young man had never lost a fight.

As soon as he learned of the old samurai’s reputation, he determined not to leave without first defeating him and increasing his fame. All the disciples of the samurai demonstrated against the idea, but the old man accepted the challenge.

They all went to the square of the small town, and before the astonished stares, the young warrior began to insult the old master. He kicked a few stones in his direction, spat in his face, shouted all the familiar insults, even offending his ancestors. For hours he did everything to provoke him, but the old man remained calm and impassive.

Late in the afternoon, feeling exhausted and humiliated, the impetuous warrior withdrew. Disappointed by the fact that the master accepted so many insults and taunts, the students asked:

“How could you bear such indignity?” Why did not he use his sword, even though he knew he could lose the fight, instead of being a coward before all of us?

The wise old man looked calmly at the students and, fixing his gaze on one of them, asked:
“If someone comes to you with a gift and offers you, but you do not accept it, with whom is the gift?”
“With whom he tried to deliver him,” replied the disciple.
“Well, the same goes for any other kind of provocation and also for envy, anger, and insults,” said the master. When they are not accepted, they continue to belong to those who carried them with them.

For this reason, your inner peace depends solely on you. People can not take peace of your mind if you do not allow it.

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Principles of Bushido, the code of honor of the samurai.

The unwritten Samurai code of conduct, known as Bushido, held that the true warrior must hold that loyalty, courage, veracity, compassion, and honor as important, above all else. An appreciation and respect of life was also imperative, as it added balance to the warrior character of the Samurai.


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A samurai without links to a clan or daimyo was called a ronin.

A samurai without links to a clan or daimyo was called a ronin. Rōnin are also samurai who have dropped their honor or those who have not fulfilled with the seppuku, which means to divide the belly in order to restore the honor of their clan or family.

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The great motto of the samurai was that life is limited.

The great motto of the samurai was that life is limited, but the name and honor can last forever. Because of this, these warriors prized the honor, the public image and the name of their ancestors above all, even of their own lives. It was a way to perpetuate their existence. This philosophy persists to this day and because of this Japan is one of the highest suicide nations in the world.

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Samurai are very honored, and do not attack in the back…

Samurai are very honored, and do not attack in the back, always preferring direct combat, which their opponent is able to confront him properly, different from the ninjas, who attack from behind, or use strategies, deceiving the opponent, they prefer to be more sly , but also use direct combat.


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Samurai (侍) or Bushi (武士) and Onna-bugeisha (女 武 芸 者, feminine).

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Howdy, dear Friend!

The Katana, which emerged in the Muromachi Period, was the standard weapon of the samurai, used in the open field and one of its variants, the wakizashi (smaller sword), was used for fighting inside buildings. The katana was much more than a weapon to a samurai: it was the extension of his body and his mind, forged in its details carefully. From the tip to the curvature of the blade, it was worked entirely by hand. Thus virtuous and honorable samurai made their sword a philosophy of life. For the samurai, the sword was not only an instrument of killing, but a way of doing justice and helping people. The sword surpassed its material sense; symbolically, it was like an instrument capable of “cutting off” the impurities of the mind.

“The sword is the soul of the samurai,”– Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu