About Us
Samurai (侍), in Japanese, means "the one who serves." Their primary duty was to serve the Emperor with total loyalty and dedication.
Throughout the ages, what distinguished the samurai from any other ancient warrior was their unique outlook on life and their unwavering code of honor and ethics.
Inspired by the samurai spirit, Shotokann was created with the purpose of serving and informing those who appreciate the art of the sword and Eastern culture, promoting excellence in our work.
The Japanese sword Katana (刀) is a symbol of Japanese culture, representing an era of glory and challenges, marked by tradition and honor. Each Katana carries the soul of an era, being more than a weapon, but a legacy.
Our forge is located in the mountains of Hong Kong, where we craft handmade Katanas forged by a master Katanakaji (swordsmith), who uses the same traditional techniques from Feudal Japan. Some blades are enhanced with contemporary technology, such as colored blades, but their essence remains with an extremely pure carbon core.
Hand-forged, our swords are assembled with precise and firm fitting, avoiding any wobble during handling. They are specially made for impact training, balancing cutting ability, edge durability, weight, and practicality.
Learn more about us or order an exclusive model by contacting us. It will be an honor to serve you.
With reverence, Shotokann Team.
“The law of the mind is relentless.
What you think, you create;
What you feel, you attract;
What you believe becomes reality.”